FFM Spring Concert Saturday, May 14, 3 p.m.!

Join us this Saturday, May 14, at 3 p.m. at the historic Englert Theatre for the spring concert of the Family Folk Machine! Sing a Song: To Noisemaking! will feature songs about the joy of singing together and will get you singing along. Hope you can be there!

We are so pleased to present a special collaboration with the Eulenspiegel Puppet Theatre as part of the performance. Led by Monica Leo, the FFM kids will present a puppet shadow play accompanied by an original song by FFM teen Tessera Rippentrop.

The concert is family-friendly and free. Donations will be accepted with gratitude. If you can’t join us in person, you can tune in using this link:
either in real time or anytime after the concert.

You can also catch members of the FFM at the Iowa City Public Works open house, an all-day party on Saturday, May 21 at the new public works building at 3810 Napoleon Lane. Our set will be 11:00 to 11:30; find all the details here: https://www.icgov.org/news/upcoming-public-works-open-house-features-day-family-fun-─-roller-skating-quilts-more .

We’ll start our Fall 2022 session, Carry On: Songs for Living, in mid-August! Drop us a note if you might like to join us then.