Original Songwriting!

The Family Folk Machine has supported original song writing in many ways. It started with the grant-funded project Wasn’t That A Time with the Awful Purdies and has blossomed from there. Listen to the songs from Wasn’t That A Time here:


In Fall of 2018, Gayla Drake taught a Songwriting Mastery class to several FFM members, which evolved into an ongoing songwriters’ workshop, affectionately called the Family Folk Machine Shop (or FFM Shop for short). Members of the FFM Shop work both individually and collaboratively on original songs, which may be arranged for ensembles made up of other group members.

A full group songwriting project led by Miss Christine in 2023 led to multiple original group songs.

Nicole Upchurch has led the kids group in original song writing and ukulele for several years.

Here is a selection of FFM Original Songs!!!