FFM Spring 2021 Session rehearsals begin Jan. 10; join us then or thereafter

Things You Should Know About the 2021 Spring FFM Session:
• We’re planning to have two rehearsals per month, on Sundays, on Zoom
• We will not be meeting in person until it is really, truly safe
• On the weeks we’re not having rehearsal, one of the directors will offer a shorter event like a sing-along. You’ll hear more info about these the week of.
• Rehearsals will be about an hour or an hour and 15 minutes
• We’re planning to include these components at rehearsals: vocal strength training, ear training, sing-alongs, learning new or new/old songs, and socializing
• Our goal is to get more singing into our lives!
• Other goals: to eventually record a couple more original songs, starting with “This Machine”; to start learning some songs for our next in-person session, whenever that will occur; to increase our lung capacity, vocal agility, and musical skills; to get to know other FFMers better
• When you sing during rehearsal, you will be on mute. The rehearsal singing is for your vocal health and your musical learning.
• Home recording projects are completely optional; you don’t have to commit to recording in order to participate in our spring rehearsals
• You can keep coming to rehearsals even if you miss a week or more. Don’t worry, you won’t be behind.
• We will be having registration for spring session starting in a couple of weeks, but registration fees are optional during this time. Your presence at rehearsal is valuable and you should absolutely feel free to come even if you can’t afford fees right now.

About FFM kids:
Kids are welcome at all parts of our Zoom rehearsals. Most kids do not need more Zoom in their lives right now, I know. I’m hoping that the rehearsals will be beneficial for kids even if they are hearing rehearsal in the background while they’re doing something else. Parents can model by singing heartily along with all our rehearsal activities, and kids will absorb and join in on their own schedule.

How to do it: if you want to join us for rehearsal, just send an email to Jean. Use the “contact” button here on our website!