Grant support!

The virtual choir project we have been working on since last June has involved lots of unbudgeted expenses and extra labor hours from many people. The Family Folk Machine is grateful to have received grant support to help defray these expenses. Last fall we were awarded a grant from the City of Iowa City Public Art Program to help compensate the guest musicians who recorded instrumental parts for the songs in our virtual project. We received a grant from the Community Foundation of Johnson County to help cover equipment and software and extra labor hours by staff. And just last week we learned that we were awarded a grant from the Iowa Arts Council, funded by the CARES act, to help defray expenses that were incurred by the pandemic. We appreciate our state and community for supporting the arts! We hope everyone who can right now is finding ways to support artists and arts venues so that they can continue enriching our lives when we get to the After times.

Lyrics for November 15 Online Concert

Family Folk Machine Lyrics for November 15 Online Concert

That Cause Can Neither Be Lost Nor Stayed
(lyrics in video)

My Rainbow Race
One blue sky above us, one ocean lapping all our shores
One earth so green and round, who could ask for more
And because I love you, I’ll give it one more try
To show my rainbow race it’s too soon to die
Some folks want to be like an ostrich, bury their heads in the sand
Some hope that plastic dreams can unclench all those greedy hands
Some want to take the easy way: poisons, bombs, they think we need ‘em
Don’t you know you can’t kill all the unbelievers—there’s no shortcut to freedom
Go tell all the little children, tell their mothers and fathers too
Now’s our last chance to learn to share what’s been given to me and to you

Out in the Country
Whenever I need to leave it all behind or feel the need to get away
I find a quiet place far from the human race, out in the country
Before the breathing air is gone, before the sun is just a bright spot in the nighttime
Out where the rivers like to run, I stand alone and take back something worth remembering
Whenever I feel them closing in on me or need a bit of room to move
When life becomes too fast, I find relief at last, out in the country

This Is Home
Touch the earth, drink the water, breathe the air, feel the sun
This is home, there is no other; we are all part, we are all one
Held in velvet sparkling wonder, royal azure, home to all
We are stewards for the future; we must stand or we will fall
Creatures call in every season; wild the hope both day and night
The green youth of spring is a beacon, winter’s frost a guiding light
Perfect peace is Earth’s greatest treasure; waters, peaks, and shifting sands
Stewards call us to work together with open hearts and healing hands

Fall on Me
There’s the problem: feathers, iron, bargain buildings, weights and pulleys
Feathers hit the ground before the weight can leave the air
Buy the sky and sell the sky and tell the sky and tell the sky
Don’t fall on me (it’s gonna fall) (what is it up in the air for? If it’s there for long, it’s over me)
There’s a progress, we have found a way to talk around the problem
(when the rain, when the children reign)
Building towered foresight isn’t anything at all
(keep your conscience in the dark, melt the statues in the park)
Buy the sky and sell the sky and bleed the sky and tell the sky
Don’t fall on me (it’s gonna fall) (what is it up in the air for? If it’s there for long, it’s over me)
Well I would keep it above, but then it wouldn’t be sky anymore
So if I send it to you, you’ve got to promise to keep it whole
Buy the sky and sell the sky and lift your arms up to the sky and ask the sky and ask the sky
Don’t fall on me (it’s gonna fall) (what is it up in the air for? If it’s there for long, it’s over me)

Links for Nov. 15 online concert

Hope you can join us at 3:00 (Central Standard time) on Sunday, November 15 for the YouTube Premiere of our first online One Planet concert! You can watch the concert here:

You can also join us on Zoom before and/or after the concert to chat about the songs:

Meeting ID: 950 0665 5217
Passcode: famfolk

We’ll have the Zoom-ers on mute during the concert.
If you’d like to be entered in our prize drawing, all you need to do is join the Zoom by 3:15. We’ll announce the drawing winners (2 prizes!) on Zoom at the end of the concert. (The prizes are local Iowa City gift cards.)

How to watch the FFM online concert on Nov. 15

Hello, friends! We are gearing up for our first-ever online concert! It will start at 3:00 p.m. on Sunday, November 15; here’s the link:

If you’d like to join our chat, use this Zoom link:

You can use two different devices, one playing the concert on YouTube and the other logged in to the Zoom room for chatting, or else open both on one device. You’ll want to keep watching the YouTube broadcast while the concert is playing, though. We’ll have the Zoom open at least 15 minutes prior to the concert starting so people can chat. When the concert is starting, we’ll want everyone to mute (although you can still use the chat function in Zoom if you want). And we’ll keep the Zoom open after the concert for a bit of an after party.

We’re going to have a prize drawing during the concert! If you’d like to be entered into the prize drawing, all you need to do is join the Zoom by about the middle of the concert. We’ll do the drawing as the last song is starting and post the results in the Zoom chat. We have two prizes: $10 gift certificates to Oasis and to Monica’s. Thanks to these businesses for donating prizes!

Of course, after the concert premiere is over the YouTube link will be available for watching or rewatching or sharing anytime. The songs will be available to watch and share individually at that time as well. We expect this first mini-concert to last just under 25 minutes.

When we started this project, I had no idea we could create videos like this! Many, many thanks are due to our video editors: Aprille Clarke, Susan Spears, and Susan Stamnes. And our directors, Jean, Gayla, and Jon, have been working pretty hard, too. We are very excited for this premiere.

Press-Citizen article on our upcoming online mini-concert

If you’d like to see the version of the story that includes a few stills from our videos, check it out here:

And here’s the text-only version:

by Jean Littlejohn

The Family Folk Machine is excited to announce our First-Ever Special Pandemic-Era Online Mini-Concert! Join us at a YouTube Premiere on Sunday, November 15 at 3:00 p.m. for the launch of five song videos. Several days before the event, we’ll publish a dedicated link on our website,, and on our Facebook page. We’ll have a Zoom session concurrently if you’d like to chat about the songs during or afterward, and we’re even going to have a drawing for prizes.

Last June, we began making recorded versions of the songs the FFM was rehearsing this spring before the pandemic shut things down. The spring concert was going to be a celebration of the 50th anniversary of the first Earth Day, so the songs express themes about the love of nature, conservation, and concern about environmental degradation.

In this first set, we’ll present “Out in the Country,” a song made popular by the band Three Dog Night. It celebrates the restorative properties of nature for human well-being. “That Cause Can Neither Be Lost Nor Stayed” is also a celebration of nature, admiring the natural world’s power, wisdom, and resilience.

This first mini-concert features one brand-new original song, “This Is Home,” cowritten by FFM Associate Director Gayla Drake, Susan Spears, and myself. The song is accompanied by our FFM cello choir, and it reflects on humanity’s place as part of nature in unity with other creatures. We’re looking forward to presenting the world premiere of this song!

Pete Seeger’s song “My Rainbow Race” is a call to human unity based on the fact that we all share this earth. “One blue sky above us, one ocean lapping all our shores, one earth so green and round, who could ask for more?” The sheer abundance of natural beauty calls us to do better, to work with each other to solve our problems, to “give it one more try.” FFM video producer Aprille Clarke set this song with images of protests and social action to show people working to make our society more just and sustainable.

The mini-concert ends with R.E.M.’s “Fall on Me,” and our video production team had an enjoyable but unresolved discussion about the meaning of this song. FFM video producer Susan Stamnes created a visual representation of some of the difficulties we’ve faced in 2020 but also the ways people are engaging in activities that help. The result is fun to watch, and the video will become a good way for us to remember this period of our lives.

Hope you can tune in on November 15! Our aim is to bring a feeling of community and hope and perhaps even some laughter in a time when all those things are in short supply. Finding a way to keep singing and to be together while separated is going to help us through.

If you’d like to learn more about the Family Folk Machine, please visit or send an e-mail to

FFM event for the League of Women Voters Johnson County, Oct. 25, 7 p.m.

Join us in cyberspace this Sunday evening to sing along in celebration of women’s suffrage! Members of the Family Folk Machine have created recordings of five suffrage songs, and at this event you can sing them along with us. Three of the songs were used in the struggle for women’s suffrage 100+ years ago, and the other two are more recent songs with new texts that honor the struggle for Black women’s suffrage over the last hundred years.

The event begins at 7:00 p.m. on Sunday, October 25. You can join using this Zoom link:
Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 924 2931 3394
Passcode: 216189

The program will probably run about 40 minutes. Hope to see you there!

First video released for One Planet: Virtual Edition!

We’re so pleased to be able to share a sneak peek at our virtual choir project! The first project video is complete:

Images and animation by Susan Stamnes. “That Cause” is a Danish hymn set to a Danish folk tune, and the writer of the text immigrated to Iowa. You can learn more about the background of this song in this short informational video by Associate Director Jon Ranard:

One Planet goes virtual

The Family Folk Machine was putting together a great concert that was to take place this past May. We decided in March to pick up with the “One Planet” songs this fall, after a pandemic-induced delay. But now we have learned that singing in large groups is a very efficient way to spread viruses, and it’s unclear when we can safely meet again to rehearse.

So we have begun to create a virtual One Planet concert that we hope to release sometime this fall. Our singers and band members are recording their parts from home, and our directors are editing them together. We have a stellar crew of board members pulling together beautiful nature photography and other visual images to create videos for the songs. The project is giving us a way of keeping the choir in touch and encouraging people to sing at home. And we’re really excited to share the results when the time is right!

If you’d like to get involved, you can! Contact Jean at .

Family Folk Machine Earth Day Celebration

Press Citizen: Family Folk Machine Plans Earth Day Celebration

Family Folk Machine, Iowa City’s multi-generational, non-auditioned choir, is celebrating the 50th anniversary of Earth Day in our spring session. “One Planet” will celebrate the Earth and its precious resources and humanity’s role in honoring and preserving it.

Though small on a global scale, Family Folk Machine will experience some changes this spring. Artistic and Executive Director Jean Littlejohn is out of the country with her family for the first part of 2020, but she has left the program in capable hands. Jean worked with Family Folk Machine’s associate directors to plan this spring’s musical selections and arrangements and to assure continuity. Associate Director Jon Ranard is filling the position of interim vocal director. Returning members know Jon from his previous work with Family Folk Machine, including his roles as vocal music coach and accompanist. His prior experience includes several decades as a choral and musical theater director, vocal coach, clinician, and adjudicator for groups from preschool through the collegiate level and beyond. Family Folk Machine is fortunate to have someone as experienced as Jon to lead the singers. Jean plans to resume vocal direction next fall.

Also returning are Associate Directors Gayla Drake, providing band direction and songwriting instruction, and Nicole Upchurch, leading youth programming. In collaboration with Eulenspiegel Puppet Theater, Nicole and the Family Folk Machine kids will be developing an original shadow puppetry presentation. An original musical composition by one of our youth members will accompany the puppetry for a new level of artistic expression for the kids.

This spring’s program includes a variety of music, coming from favorites such as Electric Light Orchestra, Dolly Parton, REM, and Pete Seeger, as well as newer and lesser-known works. The “One Planet” concert will be held on Saturday, May 9, at 2:00 p.m. at the Englert Theatre.

Our spring session began on January 12, but new members of any age and level of experience are still welcome to join. Jon notes that “the mission and focus of the group and all that it can provide for participants, audiences, and the community-at-large speaks to the heart of what music can and should be all about for people of all ages, backgrounds, musical experience, and ability levels. Groups like the Family Folk Machine can provide so much more than just a musical outlet. There is a true atmosphere of family, inclusiveness, caring, fun, learning, laughter, safety, creativity, and support that can be felt and experienced just by participating. With some wonderful singers of all ages, and an instrumental ensemble ranging from guitar, bass, and drums to cellos and ukuleles, and a great organizational structure and attention to detail, Family Folk Machine is a great example of what community involvement through music and the arts can mean.”

Please contact for details about joining. Family Folk Machine is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. Visit to learn more.

Originally published in the Press Citizen. Aprille Clarke is president of the Family Folk Machine Board of Directors.

Lyrics and Program Notes for “One Family”

The Family Folk Machine presents “One Family” on Sunday, November 17 at 3:00 p.m. at the Englert Theatre

Circle of the Sun

The FFM first performed this Sally Rogers song in 2014. Associate Director Gayla had a good idea about how we could spruce it up for this year’s performance. The song reassures us that all the stages of life—birth, childhood, adulthood, and death—are part of the circles of sun, clouds, wind, and rain.

Let Her Learn

The FFM performed this beautiful song by Nicole Upchurch in 2017 with the Awful Purdies. Today we present the song with our own band. Nicole’s lyrics reflect many of the themes of this concert: giving birth, aging, leaning on the example of our elders, and the gift of finding “family” in those linked to us “not by blood, but by unity.”

Walkin’ Daddy

I love hearing Greg Brown sing this song, a warm tribute to his dad and also to the power of finding your purpose in community. “Ain’t no road a good road ’til it’s free to everyone.” “Ain’t no sorrow can dim the love come shinin’ through.” “I know what I am here to do: to be of use, try to help the deal along.”

Hidden Youth

Songwriter and Folk Machinist Susan Stamnes writes:
When I was young, I used to sit at holiday dinners and listen to the older folks talk about their surgeries, and aches and pains, and latest prescriptions and thought, hmmm, I’m not doing that when I get older. Fast forward, and here I am doing the same thing.

Aging hit me rather suddenly after I had chemotherapy for breast cancer at 42. The treatment itself was no big deal (and I’m fine), but it started a cascade of aging-related things that I wasn’t quite ready for.

I recently saw a meme that encapsulates this song. It was an old man looking in the mirror at a young man with the caption “The sad part about growing older is that no one can still see you are young inside.” I love the intergenerational aspect of Family Folk Machine. But we know each other as we are now. Can the kids see beyond the wrinkles to imagine what we older adults might have been like in years gone past? There are so many hidden layers to a person that we may not know.

Time is falling. Age is pulling
Trying hard to keep up with the game.
Creaking, sagging, slowing, losing,
Yet inside I somehow feel the same.
Low and high times. Long time friendships.
Please forgive if I forget your name.

No going back. Nothing to be done.
Under the wrinkles, I feel young.
Can you see it? The inner truth?
Can you see it? The hidden youth.

Pills, appointments, support garments–
Dinner table talk involves them all.
Lists, reminders, lapsing memory–
Why was I just heading down the hall?
Biking, hiking. Fragile bones.
Alive means not afraid to fall.

Inside I still feel the same. Inside I still feel the same.

The Times They Are a-Changin’

The adults of the Folk Machine enjoy watching the kids of the Folk Machine grow in wisdom and stature through the years. We are fortunate to have a mighty group of junior-high kids in the FFM, and they present this song as a testimony to their readiness to face the problems of our time. And you need to get out of the way “if you can’t lend a hand.”

The Great Divide

When I first heard this beautiful and pointed song by Janis Ian, I already had Dylan’s “The Times” on my mind, so it seemed like a cosmic resonance that The Great Divide responds to the Dylan song in its images and rhetoric. “The Great Divide” takes Dylan’s “you better start swimmin’ or you’ll sink like a stone,” runs with that watery image—”Step out of the water before you drown”—and indicts those who “turn a blind eye” or “follow like sheep.” “You whose silence cost your soul: learn to speak or dig your hole . . . The tide’s already risen, the deluge is at hand; don’t sit there by the ocean while it sucks away the sand, ’cause you’ll be left with nothin’ but the memory of land.”
The fact that Ian includes parent-child relationships in this song brings the activist side of the message into a real-life context. “Come, good people, and gather here, you who still hold freedom dear; step across the waters, bring your sons and daughters.”

Homeward Bound

Gayla Drake co-wrote this song with FFMer Jerry Partridge as part of last spring’s Family Folk Machine Shop, a songwriting workshop that continued the work of a songwriting class Gayla taught in the fall of 2018. “Homeward Bound” expands our perspective to consider the human family and the way we can bring that feeling of family into our interactions with friends and with strangers.

In our humanity we all seek freedom
To make a start, broken hearts need healing
We cannot be blind to the ties that bind
That create one family in the great Divine
As the world turns ‘round, as the rains pour down
As the sunlight warms us, wherever we’re found
In this dimming light, grant us sacred sight
Bring us through the mystery, lead us through the night
Back to hallowed ground, lead us homeward bound

Every man I see, my father, my brother
Every woman I meet, my sister, my mother
Every precious child, my son, my daughter
And every elder, grandmother, grandfather
We’re blossoms and leaves on one old tree
More alike than different, despite what we see
We all have minds and hearts and eyes
Our hearts are the rhythm that gives us life
So let the drum beat pound, lead us homeward bound.

We’re blossoms and leaves on one old tree
Ancient and sacred, rooted in mystery
My father, my brother, my sister, my mother
My son, my daughter, grandmother, grandfather
All those lost are found, and we’re homeward bound

On Children

Ysaÿe Barnwell set this familiar poem by Kahlil Gibran as a four-part a cappella song, recorded by her group Sweet Honey in the Rock. Our small group of a cappella singers had a great time learning this one, and its message is one that our children would like us to keep in mind.

Little Disasters

Songwriter and Folk Machinist Aprille Clarke writes:

“Little Disasters” is a celebration and critique of our Midwestern “deal with it” attitude toward the daily onslaught of challenges and heartbreaks large and small. It started as a ballad in the Family Folk Machine Shop, and with feedback from fellow workshop participants, it evolved into something brighter and livelier. With lots of help from Jean’s and Gayla’s arrangement and orchestration, and the talents of the FFM singers and instrumentalists, it became even more exciting. I’m especially happy to have so many FFM kids involved as soloists and instrumentalists, as sharing music with my own children has been one of the best parts of our FFM experience. Big thanks to Denny, who sang the ABC song to future-Miles every day through my belly and who calmed that screaming baby down by singing it to him during the scary early minutes of Miles’s life mentioned in the first verse of the song. It’s a family effort, and it will be okay.

The mother smiled as the baby screamed
And clamped his eyes shut against the light and
Gravity crushed him from all directions
And everyone said “congratulations.”

Okay, okay.

He bored a hole in the wall
And stuffed it full of marbles and ball bearings and peas.
And when they smashed that house down,
The wrecking ball kissed its little sisters.

Okay, okay, okay, okay.
That’s what they say, it’ll be okay.
Okay, okay, okay, okay.
Little disasters happen every day.

A man told a woman that all points in time
Exist simultaneously, and thus,
Our actions have no consequence.
And when she left him, she hoped he found solace in that.

Okay, okay.

Poorly considered decisions
Pie crust promises flake away at dawn.
She didn’t mean to chew him up.
She must be part velociraptor.

Stop being so sensitive.
These open wounds just court infection.
Stop begging for attention.
Best to let it scab on over.

Process is greater than product,
And what burns now will soon just be an ache.
Chin up, buckle up, grow up and throw up.
And hold the wheel tightly while you pump the brakes.


We know this story-song because of Pete Seeger. In the words of the liner notes to the Smithsonian’s Pete Seeger box set, “While Pete was researching songs from South Africa, he found a melody in the Xhosa language called ‘Abiyoyo.’ Pete learned the melody from a book that told how the song came from a story about a monster that could be vanquished if parents could cause the monster to dance and fall down. Pete used this to create a story for his own children.
“The song became not only one of Pete’s most frequently performed pieces, but also an award-winning children’s book. In many ways, it is a metaphor for the battles he himself fought: ‘Even though the townspeople scoffed at the boy’s music, it helped solve their troubles.’” Beloved Folk Machinist Ed Flaherty becomes “Grandpa Ed” in reading this story to the FFM kids, who respond with their ukuleles and voices.

Flower of the Universe

This lovely, mystical song by Sade was written for the soundtrack of 2018’s film version of “A Wrinkle in Time.”

Sweet Mama Angel

“Sweet Mama Angel” is an intensely beautiful song that FFMer Jeff Capps wrote in the year 2000, shortly after the death of his mother. Our arrangement pairs Jeff’s solo vocals with the full choir and Tara McGovern’s solo fiddle parts with a string quartet accompaniment in addition to the band.

You Are Not Alone

The emotionally direct lyrics and ambling groove of this song make it great, but I also love the fact that the commercial version is an intergenerational collaboration between songwriter Jeff Tweedy and singer Mavis Staples. The message of this song is a good one to carry into the holiday season, when many people feel loneliness resulting from societal pressure to have certain types of family formations or relationships. When you feel lonely, the song says, you’re not the only one: you’re not alone. “Every tear on every face tastes the same.” Thanks to the FFM cello choir for bringing out the beauty of the dark harmonies of this song.

Lovely Day

This Bill Withers song from the 1970s is a favorite of the choir. It’s such a happy song! Please sing along—I can almost guarantee it will improve your mood. “Then I look at you, and the world’s all right with me. Just one look at you, and I know it’s gonna be a lovely day.”

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